Faculty News

  • Faizer Given Alumni Outstanding Teacher Award

    Melanie Faizer, senior lecturer for the School of Journalism and Electronic Media, said teaching is not her first career but it is the one that suits her the most. So it is fitting that, after a decade of lecturing for JEM, she was recently given the Alumni Outstanding Teacher Award by the University of Tennessee…

  • In Memoriam: Dr. James Crook

    Dr. James Crook, distinguished journalism educator and director emeritus of the School of Journalism & Electronic Media, passed away on April 30. Dr. Crook graduated from Floyd High School in 1958 and earned his bachelor and master degrees at the School of Journalism at the University of Iowa in 1961 and 1963. He earned a…

  • Advertising Research Productivity Ranked Fourth Nationally

    The School of Advertising and Public Relations is tied for fourth nationally and eighth globally for advertising research productivity in a recent study published by the Journal of Business Research.  The study examined visibility in journals articles on advertising from 2008-2019, primarily focused on the three prominent U.S.-based advertising journals (Journal of Advertising, Journal of…

  • CCI Faculty, Graduate Students Present at 2021 AEJMC Conference

    Faculty and graduate students from the College of Communication and Information presented eight research papers and a poster at the 2021 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) annual conference. Twelve CCI faculty from the School of Advertising and Public Relations and the School of Journalism and Electronic Media served as panelists, moderators,…

  • Harrison Explores Challenges of Female Sportscasters in New Book

    Journalism and Electronic Media Assistant Professor Guy Harrison recently published his first scholarly book, On the Sidelines, which explores the systemic sexism and racism that female sportscasters face in the workplace and that gendered neoliberalism maintains this status quo. Read the book summary below followed by a Q&A with Harrison about the book’s research process…

  • Researchers, Bread Company Explore Attitudes Toward Ex-Offenders

    A multidisciplinary research team from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, investigated how messages about a fresh start might improve public attitudes toward individuals with a criminal background. Knowing from prior research that the US perspective often associates drug addiction with a blemished character, the team of UT researchers hypothesized that framing a messaging campaign in…

  • SIS Director Rorissa Voted President-Elect of ASIS&T

    Just as new School of Information Sciences Professor and Director Abebe Rorissa stepped into his role July 1, 2021, it was announced that he was elected to be president of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). Rorissa’s biography and position statement can be viewed here on the ASIS&T site. He has been heavily…

  • SIS Director Rorissa Voted President-Elect of ASIS&T

    Just as new School of Information Sciences Professor and Director Abebe Rorissa stepped into his role July 1, 2021, it was announced that he was elected to be president of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). Rorissa’s biography and position statement can be viewed here on the ASIS&T site. He has been heavily…

  • Laura Miller Selected for Swain Professorship

    School of Communication Studies Associate Professor Laura Miller has been selected as the second recipient of the William H. Swain Endowed Professorship.  Miller’s scholarship intersects interpersonal and health communication, specifically exploring illness-related uncertainty, identity negotiations, and conversations with close others in various disease contexts. She teaches courses in health communication, communication theory, and qualitative methods.…

  • Rob Heller Selected for CCI Board of Visitors Professorship

    School of Journalism and Electronic Media Professor Rob Heller has been selected as the fourth recipient of the CCI Board of Visitors Professorship.  The BOV Professorship, currently held by Suzie Allard, Chancellor’s Professor in Information Sciences and CCI Associate Dean for Research, was made possible by generous gifts from donors including current and emeritus members…